
Level/XP based layered rewards

At our brand, we believe in a hyper-tokenized economy that rewards users for their participation in the ecosystem. Unlike most games that have a central token, we have a slightly different approach. Our system rewards users with all kinds of tokens that are tied to the game, including our central token, BUDS.

It's important to note that these tokens are not created out of thin air. Instead, they are totally dependent on the players' interactions with the game economy. For example, our token, EXP, is minted to match the dollar value of joints purchased in-game by players. You can find further details on these tokens on their respective pages.

Layered Rewards

One of the main features of our game is owning an avatar, and it's something we strongly encourage our players to do. Owning an avatar enables players to participate in all the other games and features our ecosystem has to offer, and it also makes it highly rewarding.

To make it more rewarding, we've built a level/XP/skill-based rewarding system, which means most games and features in the present and future will be highly rewarding for players depending on their avatar levels.

So for the same activity you will start qualifying for more rewards!

Below are the details of all the token and NFT rewards for different avatar levels. To be eligible for these rewards, your desired avatar must be set as the active avatar. And just in case it's not clear, as your avatar gets higher in level, you will still continue to earn the rewards from lower levels.

To further understand how the distribution of each token is calculated towards different aspects of the game, read Rewards Treasury

Also read BUDS Staking, HP Delegation to know in-depth how each of these work.

Last updated